Gists: snippets of a journey

by Anthony N. Carrillo May 07, 2017 originally on medium

posted here on May 08, 2019

I have recently begun using my Github profile more then ever and as I explore what this site has to offer, I have begun a series of Gists to document my notes.

For those that do not know what a Gist is or even what Github is, have no fear I am about to explain it all. Github is a website that I would describe as type of Free/open hosting site that allows people to work together on projects that they want to create via programming. While Gists are simple a text feature of the site that you can create and use for whatever (do bear in mind that it is PUBLIC unless you pay for privacy).

Step 1: Signup at Github. Which should look something like below. *

*(unless they updated)

Step 2: Now if you look to the top of your screen you can see the Gist tab near the top-center or click the + in the top-right and choose from the drop down menu to create your first gist.

(That is my profile above. Feel free to reach out.)

Now that you are at your create a gist page here are the ground rules.

1: You have three sections from top to bottom. Description, FileName, and the main body (where your text should go).

2: Yes I agree the layout is backwards but they wanted everything up near the top for convenience I assume.

3: As you can see below my FileNames are in Blue with the description just below each of my earlier entries.

As for the lower level of this page we have 3 buttons.

1: Add File- which allows you to … add a file.

2: Secret gist- Which isn’t that important. Making the only way for people to find your entry the URL which you have to give them. But smhh, whatever.

3: Public gist- which allows anyone to find your work. And you get to be seen as more professional do to all your entries. YAY!

I have added numerous entries so far and plan to refine and add tons more. You can find my work at my Github profile.

Perhaps it can help you as well. Good luck on your coding journey,
it has just begun.